Free Hourly Labor cost calculator
Learn the True Cost of Your Team and Stop Losing Profit from Hidden Costs

This calculator will help you with 3 things:

  1. How to set an hourly price that will cover the wages of your guys and the hidden costs (included in the calculator), all while making a healthy profit.
  2. Get to grips on the real cost of having your crew, including the hours you're not charging for (there are 4 types!).
  3. Price with confidence knowing you can explain the cost of the job to the client so you win more work and get more cash.

In this template, we'll show you how to calculate the true cost of your labor. There are 5 cost parts of labor that trades business owners forget to include when calculating how much to charge for labor.

Simply plug in the numbers and out-spits all the pricing targets.

The Real Cost Of Labour Graphic